Category: Events and Publications

Evidence for climate change?

Outside the Clegg Building, the Cornus kousa is looking amazing. Here’s a picture I took two days ago (21st May). The creamy ‘leaves’ are called bracts. A bract is neither a leaf nor a flower, but it’s often…

Landscape Architecture End of Year Show 2024

SAVE THE DATE – Opens on Friday 31st May at 4.30pm for Practices and for the Public at 5pm. Location: Francis Close Hall campus, University of Gloucestershire, GL50 4AZ, until Thursday 6th June 2024.

75 Years of National Parks

This year 2024 marks the 75th anniversary of the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949, an act which secured access for everyone to open countryside whilst preserving and enhancing natural beauty; founded on the understanding…

Practice Day – 13 March 2024

There was a good turn-out for our annual practice day event held at Francis Close Hall campus in three studio locations. It was also good to see so many of our former students at the various company stands:…

Softscape Matters: mastering the art of planting plans

Planting design is a unique skill that sets landscape architects apart from all other built environment professionals and is an aspect in which we should excel. Whether a practising landscape architect, a university or conversion student, or on…

Accessibility in St Paul’s

Accessible Gloucestershire will be auditing the streets of St Paul’s to assess and report on the quality of the pedestrian experience. They want to hear your views, so if you are a resident or a frequent visitor on…

Cosset with immersive planting

Amber Hine, currently studying for her Masters in Landscape Architecture at the University of Gloucestershire and advocate of biophilic design, has been published in Homes & Gardens magazine. She believes that increasing the planting area in any potential…

Calling all Students – Lunch and Learning for a Tenner? Landscape of Communities FOLAR Annual Symposium Saturday 18 November 2023

This year’s FOLAR Symposium will be on the subject of the Landscape of Communities. These are seen as amenity landscapes which respond first to the wishes and ways of the local community, whether local residents or workers. Speakers…

Rhyzophyllia and the soil food web: a Botanical Society talk given by Eddie Bailey on 14th November

“After just one pre-winter of mulching, I noticed an incredible difference in the structure of my soil. Moving mulch to one side ahead of planting plugs in April I saw a ‘storm’ of microarthropods on the soil surface….

On the loss of the tree at Sycamore Gap

The sculptor Antony Gormley has refused to replace the felled sycamore on Hadrian’s Wall with a work of art. He agrees with Mark Wallinger that trees and sculptures are very different things and given a choice would always…