JOB OPPORTUNITY: Paid Placements in Andalucia

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Jobs & Future Choices

“Orange and Green ll is a transnational programme that will involve 27 individuals wishing to develop their knowledge and understanding of sustainable design, the built environment and the role that culture and the arts has in creating more sustainable place making.

Participants in this programme will spend 10 weeks in either Cordoba or Seville with Spanish employers (Hosts) commencing in January or April 2013.

The programme is more than a work placement, and in particular we are seeking to recruit individuals who want to immerse themselves in the culture of Spain and give as much to their colleagues and to their hosts as they will receive.

Deadline: Applications must be received by E-mail by 9am on Friday 9th November 2012.

To find out more about the programme and to download your application pack visit.

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