Library News

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Student and Course News


News from the library

I’m pleased to tell you that we now have an e-book of one of the most popular landscape texts – Responsive Environments by Ian Bentley.  It’s available through the library catalogue at  Some of you must have found it already as it has topped the list of most popular e-books for the last couple of months!

We have also started new subscriptions to a couple of print journals this year. The most recent issues of  Green Places ( and Landscape Architecture Magazine ( are available in the journals display area and back issues will be kept in the journals stacks.  Take 10 minutes to come and browse our print journals for some inspiration this Easter.

And don’t forget, if you’re planning a piece of research or a project, the library provides a large number of resources designed to support your work.  Make an appointment with your subject librarian, Rachel Reid ( to find out more, or to discuss a particular piece of work.  Or use the Ask the Library service for quick answers to your questions about resources, referencing and much more!

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