Library Focus Group – win a Kindle!

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Student and Course News

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Your Library needs YOU!

Have your say on the future of the University Library and enter a prize draw to win a Kindle.

We are holding student Focus Groups on the following dates to gather feedback on our library services. You are all very welcome to come along to come along and have your say – this is your library service and your opinion really matters. The FCH session below is on the 30th April.

    Monday 29th April:  10:15 – 11:45   Room: Oxstalls TC017

    Tuesday 30th April: 14:15 – 15:45   Room: FCH HC207

    Thursday 2nd May: 10:15 – 11:45    Room: Park TC206A

Please email to secure a place.

There will be cake and juice!

If you can’t attend, please send your opinions to your Subject Librarian, Rachel Reid ( or to the Market Research email address above.

Thank you!

Your friendly Subject Librarian.

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