JOB OPPORTUNITY: Emotive Landscapes, Cheltenham

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I run a Landscaping and garden design company – Emotive Landscapes.

I am looking for someone to help me with my client presentations and thought the landscape architecture students of Univ Gloucestershire may be interested. These presentations would include computerising my hand drawn planting designs, producing plant catalogues (see example below) and possibly working on drawings of larger designs depending upon skills and suitability.

If this sounds like something you would be interested in helping me with, please contact me immediately and we can hopefully arrange a time to meet. It is my intention that while working together I can hopefully teach some elements of planting design. I trained with the RHS at Wisley and have spent time working with Piet Oudolf, so I should be able to pass on some knowledge.

Kind regards,

Guy Jones

07754 661455, 01242 227420

Visit Guy’s garden blog at

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