Graduate News: Ellie McEwan


Ellie McEwan is another of the Postgraduate students graduating from the Landscape Architecture course this year. She started work last week for Atkins Global in Bristol, only a couple of weeks after the End of Year Show. Many congratulations Ellie! Ellie sent us an email to express her thanks for the course following feedback from her new employer, Nick Rowson at Atkins Global:

“I thought I would send a quick email after my first week in the new job. All is going well and I have been working on a number of different projects already, all slightly different and daunting but thoroughly enjoying it here.

I had some feedback from my boss with regards to my interview and the portfolio produced throughout the studies at the University over the last 4 years. The feedback was really good and he advised that the standard and level of work we are producing in the course is outstanding. It really is all down to you guys as lecturers, and, for that you should get the highest praise for what you do…….I know we moan and cry and have the odd tantrum but looking back it was all worth it as we are ready for the REAL world of Landscape Architecture. Yes, there is still a lot to learn but starting my new job, daunting as it was, I feel informed and confident in my ability to live up to expectation. It turns out that we are, in fact, a very employable bunch….and that is because of all of the lecturers and teaching methods you guys work so hard to put together and maintain. ”

Thanks very much Ellie,  the feedback means a lot.

We would love to hear from all other students too – let us know what you’re doing and we’ll post something up for everyone to see.


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