13 UoG Graduates pass Landscape Institute Pathway to Chartership 2012/13


13 graduates from the Landscape Architecture course here at the University of Gloucestershire have successfully passed their Pathway to Chartership (P2C) in 2012/13. The Pathway to Chartership is the system for qualifying as a chartered landscape architect, set up and managed by the chartered  professional body the Landscape Institute. On completing a recognised Landscape Architecture course in the UK graduates then need to take this professional qualification to become chartered, in the same way as Architects, Lawyers, Engineers, etc.

So congratulations and celebrations to:


November 2012 pass list

Yuri Donnan

William ‘Henry’ Duck

Kris Hindhaugh

Chris Jenkinson

Lynda Kimberley

Helen Selwyn

Briony Seymour

James Smith


May 2013 pass list

Chloe Booth

James Burt

Richard Crooks

Katherine Jones

Martin Smith

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