Innovation Studio visit to Slimbridge WWT

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Course Visits and Trips

In February 2013 the students taking Landscape Innovation Studio, a postgraduate module on the Landscape Architecture course, visited the Wildfowl & Wetland Trust site at Slimbridge, Gloucestershire . We were shown around by one of the Ecologists on site as well as the WWT Landscape Architect, responsible for the landscape design and planning for all of the WWT centres throughout the UK.

The aim of the day was to explore various innovative aspects of the centre – see below for more info:


We visited the Wetland Sewage Treatment System that deals with the waste from the visitors and staff on the reserve, as well as creating superb habitats for a diverse range of invertebrates, birds and animals. In fact the treatment bed for the solids has become a prime nesting habitat for Water Rail.

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The Landscape Architect showed us around Well Boot Land, an innovative play area for kids that aims to treat and recycle the water used for play in a sustainable way as far as possible.

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We also visited the Rain Garden and Shelter designed by Nigel Dunnett for the Chelsea Flower Show a couple of years previously that was rebuilt at Slimbridge following the end of the show. It is a really exciting piece of design that collects and treats water while creating habitat for both wildlife and people – definitely a recommendation for anyone interested in Sustainable Drainage Systems, green roofs and habitat creation.

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