Second Year Visit to Atkins Global, Bristol

As part of the Professional Practice 2 module, the second year Landscape Architecture students visited Atkins Global offices in Aztec West, Bristol. We were given a talk by Nick Rowson (Regional Head of Landscape for South West England) outlining the history and structure of the company as well as a range of typical projects that the company would undertake. He also described a series of recent Landscape Architecture projects that the office had worked on while explaining some of the intricacies of contracts, tendering and working with clients.


We then had a tour of The Hub, the building designed by Atkins where all the different disciplines work together, as well as the surrounding landscape.


Nick gave us a tour of the Design & Engineering division of Atkins, of which the Landscape Architects are a part of, explaining the layout and facilities of an international multidisciplinary company. This was a great opportunity because for some of the students this was the first time in a landscape practice.


3 of the team at Atkins are previous graduates from the course at the University of Gloucestershire – Anna, Ellie and Jamie (Jamie and Ellie graduated last year from the Postgrad Diploma). It was great to see them again – for another blog about Ellie click here.


Jamie explaining the range of projects he is working on to the second years.


Anna and Ellie discussing their work.


The students were also intorduced to the concept of Building Information Modelling/Management (BIM) by one of the architectural team through their 3D modelling package that allows coordination between all the different disciplines, both on and off site.


Model showing a development proposal for Cardiff Bay.


Nick Rowson giving the summary session at the end – many thanks to Nick for a fantastic introduction to the work of Atkins and a window into life as a professional Landscape Architect in a multidisciplinary office.



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