In Search of the River Chelt

Bob Moore and I joined forces for another field trip, combining our modules Appraising Landscapes and Sustainable Technology 1.  We conducted our First Year students on a walking tour of Cheltenham, tracing the River Chelt along its route through the historic town, exploring a wide range of adjacent urban landscapes.
Starting along the Honeybourne Line, the elevated green corridor created on a former railway line which serves as a vital commuter route linking the town centre to the railway station, we discussed how the native planting along the line greatly increases biodiversity within the urban environment of the town.
Bob explored how a variety of flood defence methods along the river serve to protect Cheltenham from excessive flooding, introducing students to Cox’s Meadow, an ecological site operating as a detention basin, recreational resource and cycleway.
The trip concluded at Spirax Sarco HQ, an award winning, high quality commercial landscape occupying the site of the historic Charlton House.  Here students experienced a series of beautifully designed spaces displaying excellent examples of well planned structural, textured planting schemes bursting with colour and seasonal interest.

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Jane Fitzgerald Wright


Just happened to see your article on the river Chelt when I was looking for somethign else. If interested I wrote the Green Infrastructure strategy for Joint Core Strategy (strategic development plan for Gloucester, Cheltenham and Tewkesbury). This inludes a detailed GI plan for Cheltenham which focuses on water courses as they flow through the town. The information can be seen on the Joint Core Strategy evidence base. You may find it of use. Any comments, questions or problems I am always interested to talk about this piece of work and try and raise its profile


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