JOB OPPORTUNITY: Thomas Balsley Associates, New York City

Intern Ad_spring 2016
Thomas Balsley Associates is a Landscape Architecture/Planning/Urban Design firm located in New York City.  We regularly seek talented and motivated students for internship opportunities at our office.  Our firm has over 35 years of experience with domestic and international work ranging from master plans and urban plazas to small urban spaces, garden design, sculpture and urban furniture.  Tom Balsley believes strongly in reinforcing education through professional experience.  It is our hope that, through our internship program, we can continue this tradition.
We are currently recruiting students for our Spring 2016 internship position. We are offering a full-time paid internship to a student with outstanding design, communication and technical skills with an emphasis on computer presentation graphics. The intern should be able to commit to a period from early January to late June.  Interested applicants should submit a cover letter, resume, and portfolio of their work in .pdf format to no later than November 16th.  Attached, please find a flyer that you may post to advertise this opportunity.

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