Visit to the ‘hidden’ walled garden, Museum in the Park, Stroud

The latest visit of the professional practice module was to the recently restored walled garden within the Museum in the Park, Stroud. We were met by Ann Taylor of the museum and Rachael Austin who was responsible for the design and restoration. The weather was perfect to view the place but possibly we were a little early in the season for the potential floral display. But this didn’t detract from appreciating the innovative overall design which was explained by Rachael during a very informative talk about her experience since qualifying on our course and the details of restoration project with all its difficult problems to overcome, notably the ground slope. Essentially the aim of the project was to bring this previously secret garden back to life, opening it for the community and offering new learning and public participation opportunities. I’m sure the students found the visit both instructional and inspiring. Thanks to Austin Design Works for making all this possible.

Bob Moore

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