In anticipation of a more detailed presentation on this blog and not wishing to preempt any specific highlights of the recent international trip to Italy, I have made a quick selection of my top ten memories and present them here in no particular order:

  1. Liquid refreshment: Nastro Azzurro and the River Tiber (or Tevere in Italian) Hadrian’s mausoleum in distance


  1. Monumental majesty: even the colloseum is painted on the buses


  1. Garden of delight: the ‘musical’ fountains of the Villa d’Este (listen to the composition by Listz on Youtube)


  1. Hoodies at dawn: hooded crows scavenge throughout the city, but the green (rose-ringed) parakeets are noisier


  1. Trail of the lonesome pine: Pinus pinea or stone pine provides an ever-present evocative backdrop


  1. Selfie-stick salesmen: and if rain is forecast or falling, they will rustle up a cheap umbrella


  1. Rome wasn’t built in a day: the main building materials are the ubiquitous ‘granite’ setts in the roads and travertine (a kind of limestone) in the buildings


  1. SPQR Senatus Populusque Romanus: The Senate (government) and the people of Rome – originally the ancient Roman Republic but now used everywhere even manhole covers


  1. The reputation of Italian waiters: Formula Uno restaurant – nothing is ever too much trouble


  1. Homage to Hadid: Zaha Hadid’s design for the Museum of Modern Art (MAXXI)


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