Landscape Architecture Course FINAL SHOW 2023

The 2022-23 End of Year show opened on Friday 2nd June 2023 with three studios exhibiting student work (1st and 2nd years in CL253, BA(Hons) in CL220 and MA & conversion in CL132) in the Clegg Building at Francis Close Hall campus. There was a good attendance despite rail and road travel problems hindering visitors from further afield. We are grateful especially to those sponsoring prizes who managed to make it to Cheltenham to judge and or present the awards.

The show is open to the public for the next two weeks.

Prize giving ceremony in CL220

Bodfan Gruffydd prizes (for best overall achievement; sponsored by Tyler Grange; presented by Annaliese Walker)

Level 4Lia Gowerphoto 1
Level 5Victoria Bettany 
Level 6Lauren Duttonphoto 2
ConversionEleanor Flack 
Level 7Filip Tomaszewskiphoto 3

Landscape Institute SW prize (for exceptional project work focusing on sustainability and response to climate change; judged and presented by JP Friend)

Yun Hui Luk (photo 6)

Dar Al Handasah prizes (for excellence in ecology, innovation and infrastructure, judged by Fionn Beary, presented by Bill Burford)

Level 6Sarah Marshphoto 5
Level 7Will Beamentphoto 4

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