Category: Course Visits and Trips - Page 5

1st yr appraising landscapes alfresco

The first year module Appraising Landscapes comprises a number of class and laboratory sessions as well as field visits. These trips are intended to give the students first-hand experience of a variety of local landscapes as well as…

Planning Design Studio visit to Forest of Dean

The Post-graduate students exploring the Forest of Dean as part of the Planning Module, investigating the possibilities for sustainable new housing within this historic landscape.  

Landscape Design Studio site visits in Bristol

Students taking the postgrad module Landscape Design Studio visited their potential sites in Bristol last week. The four sites to choose from are Cumberland Basin, Redcliffe/Phoenix/Bathurst Wharves, Temple Quay / Temple Meads, and Castle Park. We took the ferry…

Philosophy & Creativity visit to Richard Long exhibition

The third year Landscape Architecture students spent the day in Bristol this week as part of their Philosophy & Creativity module. We visited the Richard Long exhibition at the Arnolfini to explore how his projects demonstrate aspects of landscape,…

Induction Week 2015 – HIDCOTE GARDENS

As part of the Induction week for our new 1st years and Conversion students we spent the day at Hidcote Gardens in Gloucestershire, one of the best gardens in the country. A couple of photos to share…

1st year visit to Wistley Hill in the Cotswolds

First Year Appraising Landscapes trip to Wistley and Ravensgate Hills in the Cotswolds Last week the students were led on an introductory tour around the immediate urban locality of Francis Close Hall campus. This took in a range…

The London Trip 2014

Between 20 and 22nd October a group of 25 first year and conversion students on the Design Studio 1 module, took part in a precedent study trip to London with tutors and course leaders Allan Mitchell and David…


In Search of the River Chelt

Bob Moore and I joined forces for another field trip, combining our modules Appraising Landscapes and Sustainable Technology 1.  We conducted our First Year students on a walking tour of Cheltenham, tracing the River Chelt along its route…

A Forest Adventure – PostGrad trip to the Forest of Dean

On a very wet Wednesday 8th October, with dramatic weather to match the drama of the scenery, the Postgraduate Landscape Planning students visited the Forest of Dean for a briefing from the Client (Nigel Gibbons and Alastair Chapman…