Category: Course Visits and Trips - Page 7


On Day 5 the group traveled by train from Copenhagen in Denmark to Malmo in Sweden, just over the new(ish) Oresund Bridge – now famous from the excellent TV show The Bridge (if you haven’t seen this then…


We started Day 4 with a presentation by Dan Mogenson, head of the Urban Planning Department for Copenhagen City Council. He introduced the approach that the planning department is taking to the future development of Copenhagen including their…


The third day was again spent in the centre of Copenhagen, beginning with a talk by SLA landscape architects and followed by a walk around the southern side of Copenhagen centre through part of the Amager island, to…


We spent the second day exploring the centre of Copenhagen – walking along Strogert, the famous pedestrianised urban centre (the focus of Jan Gehl’s research into urban space), exploring some of the key historic landscapes and buildings of…


From October 21st – 27th the Landscape Architecture course went on a visit to Copenhagen, Denmark to explore the landscape, design, and culture of one of Europe’s leading cities. This and the following few blogs are to show…

Innovation Studio visit to Ruskin Mill, Nailsworth

The students taking the Landscape Innovation Studio module this year visited another wonderful example of landscape innovation in relation to how humans relate to, learn from and develop with the natural environment. Ruskin Mill College in Nailsworth, Gloucestershire is…

Sudeley Castle visit

As part of this year’s staff development the Landscape Architecture tutors had a tour of the landscapes of Sudeley Castle by Steve Lannin and John Hodder, the Head Gardeners. It was a fascinating insight into the creation, historic development,…

Innovation Studio visit to Springhill Cohousing Community

In March 2013 students taking the Landscape Innovation Studio module visited Springhill Cohousing Community in Stroud. Springhill was the first cohousing community in the UK, begun approx 2002 and completed by Spring 2005. It is an incredibly innovative…

Paris 2011 visit

Each year we run an international trip to a different city around the world – usually in Europe. Here are some photographs of the course trip to Paris a couple of years ago – we were there for…

Innovation Studio visit to Slimbridge WWT

In February 2013 the students taking Landscape Innovation Studio, a postgraduate module on the Landscape Architecture course, visited the Wildfowl & Wetland Trust site at Slimbridge, Gloucestershire . We were shown around by one of the Ecologists on site…