Latest posts: Page 63

UoG comes 4th in ‘2012 People & Planet Green League’

The University of Gloucestershire has been placed 4th out of 146 in the 2012 Green League Guide, as covered by the Guardian newspaper here. The criteria for judging are set out by the People & Planet Green Guide, and…

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End of Year Show 2012

The Landscape Architecture End of Year Show (video available here) took place in early May and was a wonderful event to showcase the achievements of all the students on the course, as well as celebrate the end of the academic year….

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UoG Landscape Architecture no.1 in Guardian league table

In the recently released 2013 Guardian University league tables, in the ‘Building and Town & Country Planning‘ category (which covers Landscape Architecture), the University of Gloucestershire has come 1st overall, when comparing the universities that teach Landscape Architecture….

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…to the blog for the Landscape Architecture course at the University of Gloucestershire. It’s a newly born blog so click on FOLLOW to keep updated. The plan is to keep everyone informed on all sorts of things… the Sustainable…

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