Tag: editorial and advertising photography - Page 7

More work from Editorial and Advertising Photography First Years Molly Harmson and Alex Everleigh and their respondonse to the one hour Portrait Brief

Jasmine Morris by Molly Harmson When talking with Jasmine, I discovered that she is vegan, and has a love for plant-based food. During lockdown, Jasmine created an Instagram page documenting her recipes and growth with veganism and this…

Student Success! Congratulations to Marie Cecil on winning a place in Cobalt’s Capture a Moment competition!

Congratulations to Marie Cecil on winning a place in Cobalt’s Capture a Moment competition! Marie’s  image of Ladybirds in winter is wonderful, will be included in the 2022 Cobalt Capture a Moment calendar, which will be on sale…

Editorial and Advertising First years respond to a one hour Portrait Brief

During a lecture which looked at portraiture, first year students on Editorial and Advertising Photography, were asked to respond to a set portrait brief. Students were paired up at random with one another, they then had one hour…

Jimmy Fletcher shoots an evocative series of ‘Picture Postcards’ photographs of his hometown. ‘Wish you Were Here’ was photographed for the first year module, The Personal Portfolio.

This project was very personal to me and was based around the thoughts and feelings I had about my hometown as a teenager. I grew up in the Cotswolds which is known to be picturesque, with beautiful countryside…

Katie Makepeace’s creative work for first year module, The Personal Portfolio.

From my point of view, ‘The Personal Portfolio’ project was the most enjoyable, but also the most challenging to achieve in my first year. This project was about us showing our specialism within photography and having figured out…

Magda Kwapisz, photographs her son Antoni, for the Personal Portfolio Module

For the Personal Portfolio module, I chose to photograph my five-year-old son Antoni. During this module, I wanted to focus on photographers who documented their families. I discovered that many photographers created beautiful projects and photographing Antoni could…

First year Kim Dung Dương Thị, dicusses her creative work and developing knowledge of product photography for the Personal Portfolio module.

My future career path is to become an advertising photographer. Therefore, in this module, I decided to choose product photography to do as an opportunity for me to build my own portfolio. Thanks to this Module, I learned…

First year, Eden Watterson shoots the 80’s Perfume and Cosmetics brief for the Introduction to Editorial and Advertising Photography module

When I started this module I was really excited to explore product photography as it was something I had not looked at much before. In the second week of the course I was inspired by the skincare brand…

Second year, Luke Garland shoots a street style fashion series for the Zine brief in the Editorial with Moving Image module.

The work produced is about different ‘Street Styles’ and the kind of people that wear these styles. To gather personality and individuality in my imagery I encouraged the models to choose their own outfit because they know more…

Second year, Jeanne Tizon shoots a fashion inspired Zine for the Editorial with Moving Image module

Monochrome Zine Having always been fascinated by colour theory, I knew I wanted to base my Zine around different hues and shades from the outset. Wanting to specialise in Fashion and Still Life photography, this was the perfect…