Category: Opportunities - Page 3

Person to person: an intimate archaeological experience

This post comes from Dr Tim Copeland. If I am at a social occasion of some sort, and people ask me what I do for a living and I reply ‘archaeologist’, they immediately have a lot of questions…

Alumni Stories: Kathryne Ellinger

In this new series of posts, we’ll be looking at what our former students do after they graduate in History at the University of Gloucestershire. It will demonstrate the various types of employment history graduates can go into,…

Alumni Stories: Matthew Dresch

In this series of posts, we look at what our former students do after they graduate in History at the University of Gloucestershire. It demonstrates the various types of opportunities that are opened up by doing a degree…

Alumni Stories: Luke Stagg

In this new series of posts, we’ll be looking at what our former students do after they graduate in History at the University of Gloucestershire. It will demonstrate the various types of employment history graduates can go into, providing…

Alumni Stories: Alan Sparkes

In this new series of posts, we’ll be looking at what our former students do after they graduate in History at the University of Gloucestershire. It will demonstrate the various types of employment history graduates can go into, providing…

Alumni Stories: Jane Lister

In this new series of posts, we’ll be looking at what our former students do after they graduate in History at the University of Gloucestershire. It will demonstrate the various types of employment history graduates can go into, providing…

Alumni Stories: Stefan Cramer

In this new series of posts, we’ll be looking at what our former students do after they graduate in History at the University of Gloucestershire. It will demonstrate the various types of employment history graduates can go into, providing…


History Day 2017

This post comes from third year undergraduate student at the University of Gloucestershire, Jenna Pateman.  On 31st October 2017, I attended the History Day hosted by the Institute of Historical Research at Senate House, London. The event consisted…

Alumni Stories: Micky Gibbard on his PhD Research in Scotland

This post comes from alumni of BA History at the University of Gloucestershire Micky Gibbard, who is currently a doctoral student at the University of Dundee. It’s a real pleasure to be asked to write for the institution…


The Archaeology of Cleeve Common

This post comes from Visiting Fellow in Landscape Archaeology at the University, Dr Tim Copeland.  The three tall radio masts on the hill above Cheltenham are ready identifiable from all parts of the town and much of the…