Category: Students - Page 5

Alumni Stories: Matthew Dresch

In this series of posts, we look at what our former students do after they graduate in History at the University of Gloucestershire. It demonstrates the various types of opportunities that are opened up by doing a degree…

Alumni Stories: Luke Stagg

In this new series of posts, we’ll be looking at what our former students do after they graduate in History at the University of Gloucestershire. It will demonstrate the various types of employment history graduates can go into, providing…


Postgraduate Profiles: Charles Whitney – WWI Volunteers in Cheltenham

This post comes from Charles Whitney, who recently completed an MA by Research at the University of Gloucestershire. Charles was supervised by Dr Vicky Randall and Prof. Melanie Ilic. This research resulted from a project into former pupils…

Alumni Stories: Alan Sparkes

In this new series of posts, we’ll be looking at what our former students do after they graduate in History at the University of Gloucestershire. It will demonstrate the various types of employment history graduates can go into, providing…


Postgraduate Profiles: Abi Murphy – British Women and American GIs during WWII

This post comes from MA by Research student in History at the University of Gloucestershire, Abi Murphy, who is being supervised by Dr Christian O’Connell and Prof. Melanie Ilic. Life as a research student is fairly new to…

Postgraduate Profiles: Simon Carpenter – Rethinking the Role of Sir Herbert Brewer

This post comes from MA by Research student Simon Carpenter, who is being supervised by Dr Christian O’Connell and Prof. Melanie Ilic. My research is focussed on Sir Herbert Brewer, who was Organist of Gloucester Cathedral between 1896…


Alumni Stories: Anna Skene-Hill

In this new series of posts, we’ll be looking at what our former students do after they graduate in History at the University of Gloucestershire. It will demonstrate the various types of employment history graduates can go into,…

Postgraduate Profiles: Senja Andrejevic-Bullock – Rewriting the Serbian Migrant Experience

This post comes from Senja Andrejevic-Bullock, currently a member of staff in Creative Writing at the University of Gloucestershire and a PhD student whose work crosses disciplinary boundaries. Our Professor in Soviet History Melanie Ilic is on her…

Alumni Stories: Stefan Cramer

In this new series of posts, we’ll be looking at what our former students do after they graduate in History at the University of Gloucestershire. It will demonstrate the various types of employment history graduates can go into, providing…


International Women’s Day, 8 March 2018

Prof Melanie Ilic on #InternationalWomensDay #iwd2018 #womenshistory @uniofglos