Category: Students - Page 9

Marking … and more!

Ah! – or Aagh! – that time of the year again … marking and external examining (why, I wonder??): looking at the results of a year’s hard work by both students and staff and how that translates into…

Student Visit to Stonhenge

Thirty-seven students and three staff visited the prehistoric sites of Avebury and Stonehenge, both in Wiltshire. The aims of this Activity Week event were to explore the past use of these ‘ritual’ monuments in their landscapes and how…

Applicant Days 2015

We’re holding two Applicant Taster Days in the coming months – on Thursday, 19 February and Thursday, 26 March. Including hands-on experience of our on-site archives, these days are aimed at giving you a flavour of what it…

History Society Trip to Bath

The History Society’s Rachael Colmer writes … In December, the History Society organised a trip to Bath. On a beautifully sunny morning, a group of us explored the town, with some students visiting the Roman Baths and others…

The Change from A-Level: The Reformation Church and State

Happy New Year to all of our readers! I hope you’ve all had an excellent break. I spent some of my own relaxing, restorative and restful holiday thinking, of course, about A-Level curricula. Why? Well, following my last…

Remembrance of Casualties of the Great War

Rob Taylor, a recent Masters Graduate here at Gloucestershire, maintains his own blog, but has given us permission to reproduce this post about war memorials in the county for Rembererance Sunday. With the centenary of the Great War…

Carrie Howse: Catch A Falling Star

Congratulations to UG History PhD Carrie Howse on the publication of the second book in her planned family history trilogy. Catch a Falling Star (emp3books, 2014) picks up where The Sound of Silence (2013) left off. The latest…

Nigel Harrison Earns PhD on Clough Williams-Ellis

The School, and History in particular, is very pleased to announce that late last week Nigel Harrison successfully defended his PhD thesis on the architect Clough Williams-Ellis. CW-E (as Nigel came rather fondly to know him) is best…

Welcome to (Old) Cheltenham!

This week, we welcome our new first years. Induction week is always an exciting time for everyone – but perhaps also a little daunting. As a way of easing our students into the facilities they enjoy here at…

Lessons from Former Students: Clare Hall, History Teacher

It’s always good to hear from former students, both from the very recent past and a little further back! Clare Hall studied History with us more than a decade ago, and has since gone on to become a…