Category: UoG - Page 13

2016 A Great Year for Russophiles

On the TV, BBC2’s showing of ‘Leningrad and the Orchestra that Defied Hitler’ examines Dmitry Shostakovich’s 7th (Leningrad) Symphony, performed in 1942 when the city was under siege and credited with helping to break the blockade. Amanda Vickery…

Dr Robbie Maxwell joins the History team for Semester 2

I’m delighted to be able to come to Gloucestershire next semester, where I’ll be teaching two courses, ‘The Quest for Equality: Civil Rights in the USA, 1930-70’ and ‘Democracy, Freedom and Slavery: the USA, 1776-1865’, as well as…

Remembering Rosa Parks

The commemorations this week of the arrest of Mrs Rosa Parks on 1st December 1955 in Montgomery, Alabama, remind us that historians often seem to be obsessed with remembering “great” people or “key” moments in History. For many…

‘Heritage & Education’: Dr Tim Copeland gives Keynote Speech at International Conference

Dr Tim Copeland is an archaeological historian, author of books such as Life in a Roman Fortress (2014) and Roman Gloucestershire (2010). He is also a Research Fellow at the University of Gloucestershire. Tim Copeland gave the keynote speech…

Recent Publications by our History Team

Congratulations to former UG History staff member Dr Anna French on the publication of her new book Children of Wrath: Possession, Prophecy and the Young in Early Modern England (Ashgate, 2015). This book explores questions surrounding early modern…

Isn’t it ironic? How history bridges the chasm of sensitivity

This week’s post comes from Briony Eddy, who is in her third-year studying English Literature and History at the University of Gloucestershire.   “In light of the recent surge of global terrorism hitting every form of social media and…

Reflections of Black History Month: Bonnie Greer & Gary Younge at FCH

October has been a busy month this year in Cheltenham. In addition to the renowned Cheltenham Literature Festival at the beginning of the month, there have been a number of events for Black History Month in Cheltenham including…

Black History Month: Competition

This year, we’re opening out our annual History competition to everyone – not just University of Gloucestershire History students! To coincide with Black History Month, we’re asking people to nominate individuals in any or all of the following three categories: ‘Unheard Voices…

Marking … and more!

Ah! – or Aagh! – that time of the year again … marking and external examining (why, I wonder??): looking at the results of a year’s hard work by both students and staff and how that translates into…

Hearty Congratulations All Round

As part of the University-wide Festival Fortnight, this week has seen a series of presentations and awards by and for History students and staff. On Monday, students presented some of their work at the Humanities Student Research Conference,…