Category: Course Visits and Trips - Page 4

Professional Practice Visit to Illman Young in Cheltenham

Last Friday (10th) the group visited the Illman Young practice in Cheltenham. Sue Illman is a former student of ours and a recent president of the Landscape Institute. Her practice embraces all kinds of work but they have…

Professional Practice: 2nd Year Visit to Tyler Grange in Stroud

Most sessions of the module Professional Practice (AD5000) involve either a talk from an invited speaker or a visit to a local landscape practice. The aim is to give the students an insight into actual work practices in…

Allan Mitchell visits Fujian University, China

Allan Mitchell, Course Leader for the undergraduate programme in Landscape Architecture here at UoG, visited Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University to meet their Landscape Architecture department and give a presentation to their students last year. Allan described it as an…

Appraising Landscapes – Cheltenham’s Flood Mitigation

An important component of the Appraising Landscape module is learning about hydrology and the hydrologic cycle, not simply for an understanding of the science but to see how it can be applied in landscape architecture. It is well…

Doctor Who in Bristol ? A Design Studio site visit

The post-graduate students went on a trip to Bristol to view the four sites they can choose for their Landscape Design Studio module.  Lecturer Robin Snowdon led the group from Bristol Temple Meads station, along the floating harbour to…

Poetic Cotswold Landscapes

National Poetry Day was celebrated on Ravensgate Hill overlooking Cheltenham last week when our new first years on their second Appraising Landscapes field trip had ‘Up There’ by Ivor Gurney recited to them. Gurney (1890-1937), a local poet,…

1st Year Field Trip to Rousham Gardens & Througham Court Gardens

As part of the Historic & Contemporary Landscapes module, we travelled to Rousham Gardens in Oxfordshire and Througham Court Gardens in Gloucestershire. With the module focusing on the human influences on landscape design and the importance of precedent…

Bob Droning On…

Bob Moore recently gave a talk on the application of drone technology in landscape architecture site survey to the local branch of the British Computer Society. To a large audience of mainly computer specialists, he first outlined the…

Enhancement Week 3: Trip to Hockerton

As part of our third Enhancement Week, we travelled to the Hockerton Housing Project (HHP) in Nottinghamshire.  With the theme being Principles of Sustainable Design, the self-sufficient co-housing development appeared an ideal choice. Operating as a community business,…

Berlin trip 2015

The Landscape Architecture international field trip this year was a trip to Berlin. We spent a week in the German capital staying in a hotel near Potsdamerplatz. We visited a fantastic variety of landscapes including memorial landscapes, the new parliament landscapes, ecological parks,…