Latest posts: Page 15

Talk by Jane Findlay – President Elect of the Landscape Institute

We are hosting talk by Jane Findlay, president elect of the Landscape Institute, on 13/11/19 here at the University of Gloucestershire at the Francis Close Hall Campus main lecture theatre starting at 6.00pm. View the event poster Jane…

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Ares Landscape Architects Year Out and Graduate LA positions

Please see below information regarding Ares Landscape Architects Year Out and Graduate LA positions: ALA Job Advert 2019 – Year Out & postgrad

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Cirencester practice visits

We met Jane Fitzgerald White and David Bailey from PortusWhitton in Cirencester market square. They gave us a potted history of the place from the Roman days, through the Dark Ages to the time of the medieval abbey,…

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EDP aims to be the most responsive, effective and sought-after environmental practice in the UK. Ben Connolley, working in their Cheltenham office, took time out to attend our last AD5000 session and explained in detail how EDP’s working…

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Galpin Landscape Architecture seeks Graduate Landscape Architect

Please find further details of this position at the link below. GLA Graduate LA March 2019

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An inspiring talk about landscape inspiration

Jane Fitzgerald White, with the Portus Whitton practice in Cirencester, explained, indeed emphasised, the importance of the why and not just the how of landscape architecture. She herself has always taken delight in gardens and plants and has…

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LVIA is more interesting than design. Discuss.

The last session of the Professional Practice module comprised a double act from Kathryn Ball and Radek Chanas who both work as landscape architects at Pegasus in Cirencester. Initially they revealed how they got into the profession themselves…

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Students on the AD5000 module have recently had lectures from Mark Cowell and Dan Bowles. Mark talked about the development of professionalism and the history and role of the Landscape Institute and Dan about his current work at…

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“A STRANGE AND BEAUTIFUL PLACE” These were the words that Dennis Potter, British dramatist born in the FOREST of DEAN, chose to describe his home area. He went on to say it contained “rather ugly villages in a…

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Landscape Institute: Launch of Student Travel Award 2019

We’re pleased to announce that we have officially launched the LI Student Travel Awards 2019! For those of you who may not be familiar with the competition, we enable students on our accredited courses are eligible to apply…

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