Latest posts: Page 20

A Professional Practice talk given by Mike Joffe of EDP

Mike Joffe came to the profession of landscape architecture by a different route from Dan Bowles who spoke last week (see previous blog entry). Dan completed the four year course at Cheltenham straight after leaving school. Mike by…

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A Professional Practice talk given by Dan Bowles of MHP Dan, one of our recent graduates, gave a candid appraisal of his own landscape education here in Cheltenham where, he says, it is easy to dismiss the importance…

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Landscape Urbanism field trip

A visit to Gloucester: from the Cathedral to the Docks On Tuesday 30th of January, we had very inspiring visit of the city centre of Gloucester. The students of the module AD5602: Landscape Urbanism discovered the site of…

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Final model submissions from MA Landscape Urban Futures module.

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Adrian Philips visiting speaker

On Tuesday, 28th of November, we had the pleasure and honour to host Adrian Phillips as guest speaker for the module of Environment and Legislation.  Adrian has a great and long experience as consultant on conservation and environmental topics,…

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Portugese student competition wins

Congratulations to Grace Abbott and Naheedra Fadra for Controle Climatico, and to Teddy Juriansz, Melissa Nanang and Natalie Yan for O Espelho do Pensamento. We are proud to announce that our students will be exhibiting two innovative and interactive gardens at the 14th…

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Congratulations to the 2017 graduates in Landscape Architecture

Luc Jones receives the Landscape Institute Southwest Prize from LISW Chair Sarah Jones-Morris, Ahmed Al-Rawas was awarded an MA in Landscape Architecture, Gareth Weeks and Toby Kircaldie were awarded BA (Hons) Landscape Architecture. Congratulations to all our students…

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THEi students start their MA at UoG

UG Programme Leader (L) and Head of School Angus Pryor (R) welcome our first students from Hong Kong’s THEi to our MA Landscape Architecture Programme.

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Our annual research symposium recently was held at Rousham Gardens in Oxfordshire and at our campus at Cheltenham with invited guests from overseas academic institutions, and UK government agencies as well as staff and students from the landscape…

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