Tag: confidence - Page 2

First year Alex McDowell discusses his on going personal project ‘Fatima’ and his developing methodology which includes shooting large format camera portraits and experimenting with the Wet Plate Collodion Process.

“During these odd times, I decided to stop, step back, and completely change the method and theory behind my photography. Rushing when shooting has always been an issue of mine, a problem I have endeavoured to rectify since…

Editorial and Advertising Photography wins the prestigious “Association of Photographers Course of the Year Award, 2020” – Again!

For the second time in three years we celebrate being the “Association of Photographers’ Course of the Year 2020”, nominated by our students and awarded by the professional judging panel at the AOP. It is with great pride…

3rd Year, Adam Chandler creates a very personal zine project for the Final Major Project module.

I made a small zine for my FMP module titled ‘Just Tell Me’. The zine is a very personal exploration of my emotions with a struggle of my mental health which was amplified by the lockdown situation as…

1st year, Faye Cleaver documents her mums dog boarding and day care business during lockdown for the Personal Portfolio module.

This series of images for my personal portfolio follows my mum and her dog boarding and day care business at home. I explored how the Corona virus affected my mum’s business and the dogs. Coming into this module…

For the Personal Portfolio module, 1st year Marie Cecil photographs a series still lifes’ inspired by nature.

‘CLOSER TO NATURE’  At the beginning of the personal portfolio module I wanted to explore landscape photography but due to the current restrictions I was confined to just my garden.  Through research I came across photographers such as…

Second Year, Isabella Akers photographs a Grunge inspired fashion series for the Zine brief.

For the subcultures brief I decided to look into grunge as it’s something I’m very familiar with and have loved the music genre for years. My knowledge of the subculture has enabled my work to be more authentic…

The Christmas Editorial and Advertising Photography Show

Today was our @edandadphoto Christmas show, where everyone from all three years displayed their work from the first term. This also included our finished photo books, which @emilyhernimanphotos won a first place prize for! Well done everyone and we will see you…

For her Final Major Project, Third Year, Megan Williams book ‘Superdogs’ looks at the bond between dogs and their owners.

“A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.” — Josh Billings Superdogs is a collection of work capturing the special bond between dog and owner. Each dog photographed with their…

Second Year, Estelle Atkin-Palmer, photographs a series of empowering images of women rugby players for the zine brief.

My Zine started off as a project to promote femininity in sport through looking into ‘This girl can campaign’ but once being around the athletes and visiting their training sessions I gained insight to the back lash they…

Second Year, Bethany-Rose Yates, photographs and reinvents recipes from the cookbook ‘The Book of Household Management’ by Mrs Isabella Beetona, first published in 1861, for the Zine brief.

These photographs are all of recipes from ‘The Book of Household Management’ by Mrs Isabella Beeton. The book was first published in 1861 so unlike cookbooks today, there was no photographs due to photography being in its infancy….