Latest posts: Page 8

Planit is hiring…(at Altringham studio)

Planit is currently advertising for Year Out Landscape Architects in our Altrincham studio. Details of the opportunity can be found at: There is the potential to spend time working within our Urban Design team too, if this would…

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Singing the blues

These photos were taken today at Cam Peak in the southern Cotswolds: a warm, sunny day presenting the wild bluebells (Hyacinthoides non-scripta) at their best. The location of the carpark at the foot of this hill is 51.6926,…

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Summer internship opportunity: placement with Hanson Aggregates

Sponsoring Mgr – signed: Print name:  Paul Williams, Head of LMR  Date: 04/04/2023 Project Title and Sponsor   HM Biodiversity Commitment 2030 targets Sponsor: Paul Williams Objective – What are the overall objectives of the overall project?. To…

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Celebrating rainfall through design with Bob Bray

Bob Bray gave this year’s John Simpson memorial lecture last Tuesday. It was delivered at a leisurely but satisfyingly comprehensible tempo, tracing the history of water management from the ‘Great Stink’ lowpoint of 1858, through the Victorian ‘engineered’…

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Celebrating rainfall through design – an exploration of SuDS

A public lecture given by Bob Bray (Robert Bray Associates, Bristol Studio) Tuesday 25th April 2023, 18:45 Room TC001 (FCH campus) University of Gloucestershire JOHN SIMPSON 1929-2013 The John Simpson memorial lectures are held in honour of a…

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