Third-year dramatists reading at the Parabola Arts Centre

Playwrights from the University of Gloucestershire are inviting the public to staged readings of their work at The Parabola Arts Centre on Friday 9th March. Below, Claire Holland reports on their preparations:

Last Friday, myself and my peers from the third year Dramatic Writing module, visited the Parabola Arts Centre where we will soon be taking part in their ‘Try Something New’ event. It was incredible to be up on the stage exploring the space that we will be working in. We began by loosening ourselves up with an acting exercise which was a great way to get the adrenaline on, and it helped to diminish the nerves we were feeling. We spent the rest of the afternoon casting parts for our extracts, and then workshopping them, this gave us all new ideas and a realistic feel for how our plays would sound to an audience. It was an incredibly exciting and invaluable experience, and we would like to say a huge thank you to Lucy Tyler, who organised this event for us.

Remember to mark Friday 9th march in your diaries now!