2017: Shadows
Shadows: New Writing VI

The Editors of Shadows are looking for high quality prose, poetry, drama, or artwork submissions for UoG’s latest Creative Writing Anthology. This year, we’re interested in writing of all types and genres, and particularly pieces that engage, loosely or directly, with the theme ‘shadows’. This can be interpreted however the author likes, including the hidden and peripheral – the things in our lives and relationships we don’t acknowledge – as well as our shadow-selves and the darker side of human experience, such as the gothic or transgressive. On a wider scale, we’re interested in characters who live ‘in the shadows’ or on the margins of society: outsiders, outcasts, and the unseen. And of course, we’re also accepting work on any subject or style that demonstrates the talent on our course: you are more than welcome to submit work that you’ve handed in as an assignment. Please see the guidelines below for more information on how to submit, and good luck!
We are inviting submissions from students of any level (BA, MA, or PhD), currently enrolled on at least one Creative Writing module here at the University of Gloucestershire. MA students who graduated in 2016 are also eligible to submit, as well as PhD students. For the first time, we are also opening submissions to students enrolled on English Literature and Language modules at UoG.
All submissions should be sent as a word-compatible document (.doc, .docx, .rtf or.txt) with the title or the first line of the piece as the file name. Please ensure the document is entirely anonymous, only placing contact information in the email with your student number and course level/year. The subject line must include the type of submission and title (e.g. PROSE / BRAVE NEW WORLD).
We are allowing multiple submissions of prose, poetry and drama; however please note they must be sent as part of the same single document. If submitting more than one genre of work you can signify that in your subject line and use the title of the first piece in the document (e.g. PROSE + POETRY / BRAVE NEW WORLD).
This year we are also accepting artwork submissions, which are open to Creative Writing students as well as those enrolled on Fine Art, Graphic Design, and Illustration modules at UoG.
Send all poetry, prose, and dramatic writing submissions to shadowsuog@gmail.com before the deadline: Midnight on Saturday March 25th, 2016 (the end of Week 8).
Take care to follow the specific guidelines for each area as follows…
Prose Guidelines
- Prose of any style or genre will be accepted.
- We are looking in particular for prose submissions that deal with the hidden aspects of life; what goes on behind the scenes and beneath the surface and ‘in the shadows’; as well as circumstances and characters that are more than meets the eye.
- Transgressive themes and language are welcome under the provision that they are handled with sensitivity and are not used gratuitously.
- The maximum word count for prose submissions is 2,500 words.
- Each submission should be concise and self-contained. Non-fiction creative pieces will be accepted for consideration, and we would love to see some flash fiction pieces too! Any extracts need to work as stand-alone pieces.
- All work should be submitted in 12-point Arial or Times New Roman, in standard manuscript form.
Dramatic Writing Guidelines
- Up to 10 pages of high quality work that adheres to university formatting standards.
- Of any sub-genre within dramatic writing: stage play, radio play, experimental theater, etc.
- Loosely related to the theme of shadows, however you choose to interpret it.
- Attention is drawn to the staging and thematic potential of this theme.
Poetry Guidelines
- Poetry sometimes come from the light within the poet, oftentimes too from within the shadows. Many poets are familiar with Jung’s shadow side.
- We will take poems from those that come across a host of daffodils, but will look most fondly on those that come from Plath’s Tulips.
- Send us up to 8 poems: please ensure they are all contained within one document.
- We’re interested in work that examines the edges, transgresses the boundaries, and explores the shadows (though it’s fine by us if you’re more comfortable keeping one foot in the light)
- Most of all, don’t worry about the brief: send us what you’ve got.
Artwork Guidelines
- The artwork deadline has been extended till midnight on Thursday April 13th.
- All submissions should be emailed, in their highest quality form (TIFF or JPG)
- You can submit up to six images in the first instance. Separate files are fine.
- A5 size in portrait is preferred.
- All images should be in B&W or suited to be published in B&W
- Innovative approachs are encouraged: think etchings, block prints, watercolour, even single page comics or cartoons – provided the quality is there, we’ll be interested.
- A connection to the theme of shadows is welcome, but not required.
- We are also interested in a colour image for the cover. If you have an idea or something that seems suitable, please submit it with a note to that effect.