2015: Compass
Compass: New Writing IV
The 2015 New Writing anthology was entitled Compass, and the editors were particularly interested in those that resonate with the meanings and connotations of Compass, or emphasize notions of place, location, travel, journeys, and migration. It was launched at Francis Close Hall on Tuesday, October 27th. As ever, the event was packed and featured some stellar readings from Compass contributors. The after-party was at The Swan, so intrepid travellers trekked across Cheltenham to quench their thirst at a distant waterhole. The anthology is available for purchase on Lulu, and you can catch a glimpse of Natalee Powers’ stunning cover below, as well as photos from the launch…

The 2015 Compass: New Writing IV Editorial Team Were: Chloe Biggs (Dramatic Writing), Rod Griffiths (Prose), Ash Hartridge (Assistant Editor), Sam Kemp (Poetry), Amanda Nieto (Prose and Typesetting), Natalee Powers (Design & Webmaster), and Chevelle Reppert (Prose).