Writing Contest Bonanza

Semester 2 has come to an end, you’ve got all your assignments submitted (including, for you 3rd years, those epic dissertation projects that have dominated your days and sleepless nights), and you’re currently enjoying this rare glimpse of the British sunshine, while wondering what happens next for you as a student, a writer, a person. Well, here’s an idea. Summer happens to be competition season for the writing industry (don’t ask why – somebody should do a study on this) and with a couple of fresh stories and poems in your creative cache, it might be a good time to load up, take aim, and fire off a round of submissions. There are a few contests worth your consideration, all with May 31st deadlines. Among them: The Glimmer Train Award for New Writers (Prose, 6,000 word limit, $15 entry); the Frome Festival Short Story Competition (Prose, 2,200 word limit, £5 entry); and The Bridport Prize (Prose, 5000 word limit, £7 entry, pretty high-end but hey – we’ve all gotta dream, right?). Additionally, if you need more time to get that masterpiece prepared, later on there’s the Wasafiri New Writing Prize (deadline July 27th, £6 entry) with categories for fiction, poetry, and life writing. As you can guess by their title, some of them are only open to new and upcoming writers (which means you, Team U of G) so take some time out from your summer sun-fun to have a go.