Come to Where I’m From

Paine’s Plough, the UK’s leading new writing company, is in Cheltenham on November 1st, as they seek to weave a theatrical tapestry of the UK. In towns across the country, Paine’s Plough have commissioned local playwrights to write plays about the places that have shaped them, and the line up in Gloucestershire includes UoG Creative Writing lecturer Lucy Tyler. The ‘Come to Where I’m From‘ project is unusual in that the playwrights have to perform their own work – something that many of them find terrifying.

Lucy says her play developed from her interest in pschogeography and the social creation of space, and adds that – to her surprise – the script has a magic realist dimension. You can read more about the background to Lucy’s play in an article from today’s Gloucestershire Echo; however, to find out what Lucy and the other commissioned playwrights have to say about Cheltenham and Gloucestershire, make sure you’re at the Parabola Arts Centre, 7:30pm, on Thursday November 1st. Tickets are £10 full price and £8 for concessions.

‘Come to Where I’m From’ will run for one night only, but while they’re here, Paine’s Plough are also running two highly recommended workshops:

WORKSHOP: If It Didn’t Exist, You’d Have To Invent It
Wed 31 Oct, 7- 8.30pm. Price £5
Paines Plough was dreamt up by its founders over a pint. The name comes from the beer they were drinking (Paines) and the pub they were drinking in (Plough). Thirty-five years later, “Paines Plough’s nomadic theatre company has racked up so many stars that browsing its press release is a bit like looking into deep space” (METRO). If you’re interested in setting up and running your own company, we can help you force your ideas into existence.

WORKSHOP: Producing Plays, Developing Writers
Thur 1 Nov, 5-6.30pm. Price £5
Paines Plough is a home for writers – the playwright is at the heart of everything we do. When we’re not producing plays, we’re doing our best to help playwrights get better at writing them. If you write, come and see what we can do for you.

(To book for either workshop, phone the Parabola Arts Centre box office on 01242 707 338)

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