Hookline Novel Competition

The 5th annual Hookline Novel Competition is now accepting submissions, which may be of interest to MA students and recent graduates, particularly those with a would-be bestseller in the hopper.  Here’s the low-down, as outlined on the competition website:

To those unfamiliar with the concept, the competition is open only to students and graduates of MA writing programmes. But rather than select a winner ourselves, the judges are book group readers from around the UK. This is the first writing competition to link serious new writers with serious consuming readers.

It is an intensive competition with various stages, the first of which involves submitting 3 chapters and a synopsis (deadline Jan. 31, 2013).  The selection process, with the help of book club readers, takes a full 10 months, and the overall winner will eventually get their novel published.  However, there’s a catch: the price-tag is pretty steep on this one.  You can check out full details on their website.

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