Creative Writing Valentine’s open-mic this Monday

Photo by Bert Werk

  Photo by Bert Werk

Do you ever get spam from weird speciality dating sites? For some reason I’m particularly targeted by adverts promising me the chance to date men in uniform. Well, this Monday, the open mic series at the University of Gloucestershire offers you a Valentine’s event specifically for Creative Writers.

Don’t panic: it’s nothing as awkward as speed dating. No, it’s the chance to read your romantic and anti-romantic prose, poems, and plays to a sizzling hot audience. Whether it’s sweet, sexy, pornographic , platonic, soppy, sad, or filled with bitter recriminations, bring something that defines your notion of Valentine’s Day.

The dress code is ‘red and sexy’, and the event is at the Frog and Fiddle, 8:15pm on Monday 10th February. See here for more information


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