UoG Novel Writing Contest Deadline: Midnight on May 9!

Stack of NovelsThere’s less than a week to go until the deadline for the inaugural University of Gloucestershire Novel Writing Contest, so now that the majority of your assignments have been handed in, it’s time to tackle that novel extract.  Full details are available on the contest guidelines page, but for those who want a quick recap here’s the lowdown: the contest is open to any UoG student, undergrad or postgrad, registered on a Creative Writing module this year.  It’s also open to our grads of 2013, since the idea arose during their time with us.  To be eligible, you have to send the judges a 3,000-word extract and a 1,000-word synopsis by midnight on Friday, May 9.

We’ve already received some great submissions, but are looking for more.  The shortlisted entries will be sent to literary agent Becky Thomas, at Fox Mason, who will pick the top three.  Those winners will receive a professional industry critique, as well as cash prizes.  So brew some coffee, chain yourself to your writing desk, and get to work.  Good luck and see you in the slushpile!

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