Announcing the Second Annual UoG Novel Writing Contest!

bookFor those who haven’t submitted, you have less than 24 hours to send your novel excerpt and synopsis to the Myriad First Drafts Novel Competition, which closes tomorrow at noon.  If you don’t have anything ready, fear not: as one window of opportunity closes, another opens here at UoG.  That’s right, folks: the 2015 UoG Novel Writing Contest is now officially open.  You have four months to draft, rewrite, polish, and hone your opus (or a 3,000 word extract thereof, and a synopsis) and get it in to us.  We will be accepting submissions from today, February 1st, until May 31st, 2015.  As with last year, the contest will be judged by literary agent Becky Thomas, of the Fox Mason agency, who will select from our shortlist her 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners – each of whom will receive a professional industry critique as well as a cash prize.  Please check out our full submission guidelines and our main contest page for further details.  As Becky’s critique of last year’s winning entry demonstrates, the contest represents a real opportunity for students to make an industry connection and further their writing careers.  So what are you waiting for?  Get writing!

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