Compass: New Writing IV Acceptances Announced


For the past four weeks, the MA students on our HM7106 Creative Industries class have been hard at work, carefully reading through the submissions for this year’s UoG anthology: Compass: New Writing IV.  This year, there were more submissions than ever before – over 100 pieces of creative work, ranging from prose to monologues to poetry to flash fiction to dramatic scenes.  The editors had their work cut out for them, as the quality was also very high and competition for spots fierce.  After reading and re-reading the pieces, much soul-searching, and some robust debate, the editorial teams reached a consensus on the pieces to include, and the notifications went out this week.  Congratulations to all the students who submitted – it takes guts to put your writing forward and relinquish it to the slushpile.  For those who didn’t quite get in this time, take heart and be sure to try again next year.

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