Free Poetry Slam Tickets for UoG Creative Writing Students!

everymanLogoWe’re pleased to announce that, due to the generosity of Anna Saunders at the Cheltenham Poetry Festival, we’ve been able to purchase some discounted tickets to the much anticipated Breaking Bard Poetry Festival Slam on Saturday May 2.

The event is billed as an exhilarating X-factor style poetry battle, in which 12 poets will be going head to head. It’s at the Everyman Studio Theatre, and things kick off at 8 p.m. If you are interested in a free ticket, some will be distributed by Angela France in her poetry class, and others are available to claim – contact Course Leader Tyler Keevil for details. This is in addition to the other discounts offered to our students – check out our previous post below to make the most of the Poetry Festival!

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