The annual Dramatic Writing showcase of our students’ plays, at the Everyman theatre in Cheltenham

From right: Paul Milton, the actors Nick Wilkes, Charlotte Swarbrick, Krage Brown and Emmeline Braefield, and Dramatic Writing tutor Senja Andrejevic

It’s been almost two weeks since all the excitement of our annual showcase of student plays, done in collaboration with the Everyman Theatre in Cheltenham. Time certainly flies when you’ve had lots of fun (and when the assignment and marking season has begun!)

Eight of our 2nd year students – Flynn Haines, Hannah Lyons, Tom Edmonds, Bee Scorer, Anna Rand, Gracie Jones, Sadie Wilson and Carys Meredith – had the opportunity to see their 20-minute plays performed by professional actors in front of a live audience. Their subject matters ranged from a laugh-out comedy to a dystopian drama, and from a tale of teenage rebellion to a post-apocalyptic vision of zombies and cannibals. The plays were directed by The Everyman’s Artistic Director, Paul Milton, and the performances were followed by a live Q&A with the audience.

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