Latest posts: Page 9

The 2016 Cheltenham Poetry Festival, Featuring UoG Staff, Students, and Alumni!

There are so many amazing events going on in the last few weeks of term we’re going to have to bombard this blog with announcements.  To start with, we wanted to shout about this year’s Cheltenham Poetry Festival,…

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Cheltenham Poetry Festival Preview Featuring UoG Students!

Hot on the heels of a very successful Open Reading on Tuesday night, students from the UoG Creative Writing Programme will be taking part in a Cheltenham Poetry Festival Preview this Saturday, along with some established industry professionals. …

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Creative Writing Society Open Reading Tuesday at Smokey Joe’s

This Tuesday the Creative Writing Society is hosting what promises to be a brilliant Open Reading.  It will be the last of the Semester (and thus the very last for some of our 3rd years – which is…

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48 Hours Until Reflections Submission Window Closes!

Calling Team UoG!  Reflections: New Writing V submissions window closes at midnight on Friday March 18th.  The submissions are pouring in now, and the editors are anticipating the final avalanche of quality work from UoG students.  If you’ve…

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Show, Don’t Tell Launch this Tuesday: An essential pre-Easter party!

Don’t miss the last magazine launch of the year, with free copies of the magazine and student deals on food and drinks. It’s at Smokey Joe’s this Tuesday, and it’s going to be awesome, and it’s extra special because it’s…

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Creative Writing Sci-Fi Quiz this Tuesday

It’s time for the UOG Creative Writing Society’s great Sci-Fi quiz, with your hosts Captain Carina and Darth Mathias. Entry is 50p per person, and teams can be from (Han) Solo, up to a maximum of 6 Avengers….

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Reflections: New Writing V Submission Call Now Open

Since the start of this Semester, the MA editorial team on our HM7106 Creative Industries module have been hard at work developing the latest New Writing anthology, and as of today the submission call is officially open. This…

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Catching Up on Recent Student and Staff Achievements at UoG

As ever here at UoG, it’s been hard to keep track of our recent student and staff successes, so hopefully a quick blog post will remedy that.  First up, 2015 BA graduate Phil Bowne continues to establish himself…

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Coming Soon: New Writing V

For those who don’t know (and who doesn’t?) one of the most exciting aspects of the UoG course is our annual paperback anthology.  Originally conceived by lecturers Mike ‘D.D.’ Johnstone, Tyler Keevil, and Lucy Tyler (alas!), who were…

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The big welcome back social!

So Christmas is over, 2016 is no longer a novelty, and it finally got cold. Family arguments are suspended, to be resumed in eleven months, by which time you’ll once again have forgotten why Uncle Steve and Auntie…

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