Latest posts: Page 29

Space Newspaper – call for submissions

The University of Gloucestershire Students’ Union newspaper, Space, is inviting submissions of poetry and flash fiction for its next issue. The competition is open to all students at the University and it aims to find and showcase great student…

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Guest Lecture on Getting Published & the Industry

On Wednesday second year students from our WT200 module attended a session with Cardiff-based writer Susie Wild, Mslexia’s former Literary ‘It’ Girl, who came in to discuss her work and the publishing industry.  Susie is a multi-tasking, multi-talented author/editor who writes…

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Angela France awarded Arts Council England Grant

Arts grants are always hard to come by, but especially so in these times of austerity. So congratulations to Angela France who has been awarded a grant from the Arts Council England to complete her latest collection of…

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Dramatic Writing showcase this Friday

You are cordially invited to a performance of scripts in development at the Parabola Arts Centre this Friday (9th March). You will be treated to extracts from five plays (read script-in-hand), which have been written by third-year Dramatic…

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Writing Competition Results!

The Gentlemen Press have announced the results of their inaugural writing competition for young people, and we’re pleased to say that our very own Jessica Searle is among the winners. Jess, a second year student here at U…

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Anthology Deadline this Wednesday

The window for submissions to the University’s Creative Writing anthology, Smoke, will close at midnight this Wednesday (7th March); please note that under no circumstances will we be able to accept submissions received after that date. Thank you to…

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Third-year dramatists reading at the Parabola Arts Centre

Playwrights from the University of Gloucestershire are inviting the public to staged readings of their work at The Parabola Arts Centre on Friday 9th March. Below, Claire Holland reports on their preparations: Last Friday, myself and my peers…

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Crime Stories Submission Call

The deadline for the Jo Powell Memorial Competition is coming up fast – submissions are being accepted until March 2. The competition has been organized by students at Edge Hill University, in memory of their lecturer. The contest…

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Snow, Vodka, & Mutations

Creative Writing Lecturer Tyler Keevil’s latest piece of speculative fiction has been published by the British SF magazine, Interzone. The story, ‘Fearful Symmetry,’ deals with themes of conservation and survival in a dystopian future. Locus Online has reviewed…

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Theatre Review: Neighbourhood Watch

Lucy Tyler reviews Alan Ayckbourn’s Neighbourhood Watch: a laugh-out-loud satire of a security-obsessed Britain, which will have special resonance for those theatre-goers young enough to remember when they were mistaken for Britain’s ‘feral youth’. When it comes to…

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