Latest posts: Page 25

Smoke Anthology Now Available To Buy Online!

Smoke, this year’s anthology of fiction and poetry from the students on our Creative Writing programme, is now available for sale from the university’s online store. If you weren’t able to buy a copy at the launch, or…

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Writing Retreat Competition

Myriad Editions and West Dean College are running a writing competition for prose writers, which is open to both new and published authors. The entry fee is very reasonable (just £5) and the prize is a writing retreat…

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Eleven Places Theatre Performances

A happy new year to one and all – may you have a healthy and successful 2013. And what better way to start the new year than by experiencing Eleven Places’ play ‘The Recipe for Belonging’? The theatre…

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Two Competitions for Young Writers!

‘Tis the season…to submit your work. Most of our undergrad students will have recently submitted a story for their end of Semester assignments. Why not take the same piece (of polished, stellar, perfectly crafted writing) and submit it…

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Photos from the anthology launch

Today is the last day of term and a good time to wish everyone a happy winter break and a successful new year. The launch of the Smoke Anthology on Wednesday night was a great way to close…

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This Wednesday (12th December)…

Term is ending and Christmas is approaching, but before you head off for a well-deserved break, don’t forget about two events this Wednesday: in the afternoon, there’s a special theatre workshop hosted by Eleven Places; and in the…

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Theatre Presentation, Tuesday 4th December

Those of you with an interest in theatre may wish to hear Eleven Places introduce their residency at the Meantime Art Space tomorrow evening – before the open mic night at the Frog and Fiddle. Eleven Places is…

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Christmas Open Mic Night: Tuesday 4th December

The final open mic of the year is on this Tuesday at the Frog and Fiddle Pub. The night’s being co-hosted by Adam Magee and Becca Edwards, and it’s Christmas themed. They say: The theme this time is…

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Two new stories from UoG Lecturers

University of Gloucestershire Creative Writing lecturers Tyler Keevil and D.D. Johnston have published new short stories in On Spec and The Lampeter Review. Tyler’s latest story, ‘Canine Court’, appears in the current issue of On Spec, Canada’s premiere magazine of slipsteam…

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Smoke Anthology – Launch Night

We’ve now booked a date for the launch of Smoke: the exceptional new anthology of writing from students on the University of Gloucestershire Creative Writing courses. We’ll be launching Smoke at a wine reception on Wednesday 12th December at FCH Campus…

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