29 November 2006
The Philosophy Dept at University of California, Santa Barbara has a course blog at: http://ucsbphilosophy.blogspot.com/ – they seem to really get stuck into the comments thing too. I like their discussion of whether of not Unicorns exist at:…
29 November 2006
You may be experiencing a delay between making your comments and them appearing on the site: this is due to new anti-spam measures (I have to check the comments) – but I try to check as often as…
28 November 2006
Should ethnic and religious minorities be allowed to use traditional or religious laws to settle civil disputes (not criminal)? See http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/6190080.stm for a discussion – but I would advise you to follow the links and listen to the…
28 November 2006
Wikipedia has an article on proposals for Slavery reparations at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reparations_for_slavery – which may be helpful re the debate below – you may wish to use the comments on this post to carry on discussions – as they…
27 November 2006
Thanks to one of the second years for this extra link on this story:http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2006/11/28/ncreation28.xml —————— http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/education/6187534.stm has a story about attempts to push ID / Creationism back into school science lessons… Should we keep faith-based approaches in Religious…
27 November 2006
The BBC is reporting that Tony Blair has expressed his ‘sorrow’ over Britain’s role in the slave trade – but stopped short of a full apology – apparently because of fears that this may lead to demands for…
24 November 2006
Hi. Some of the Student Reps wanted to know how much interest there was – as they are planning an RPE Xmas event… A meal is the plan – venue suggestions welcome – and a final annoucement will…
23 November 2006
The Ethical Traditions students have been asked to read Sarte’s Existentialism is a Humanism – enjoy! Also, the Hinduism class needs to review material on Gandhi – this is the Wiki link, but also see http://www.mkgandhi.org/, and the…
22 November 2006
Many thanks to Jason Chambers (RPE, Level 2) for report the below of his trip – along with 2 fellow RPE students, to a recording of the BBC’s Question Time – thanks Jason – and others are welcome…
20 November 2006
From the BBC: ‘Should there be a right to wear a cross at work?Does the Christian cross have a place in the workplace? A British Airways (BA) employee has lost her fight to openly wear a cross necklace…