13 August 2014
As A-Level students anxiously await their results, Universities got the equivalent yesterday – in the form of their NSS (National Student Survey) scores. Although there are various scores, the headline one is Overall Student Satisfaction. RPE has tended to be in…
11 August 2014
In this short video, Dr David Webster asks David and Geoff, the interviewees, about how Paganism has changed during the time they’ve been involved with it. See the Religion, Philosophy & Ethics course blog at http://r-p-e.blogspot.co.uk/
11 August 2014
In some new videos practising Pagans, David and Geoff, answer my questions – and I began by asking them what originally drew them towards Paganism: See the Religion, Philosophy & Ethics course blog at http://r-p-e.blogspot.co.uk/