30 October 2012
Dr David Webster answers a question sent in via Twitter: Does the problem of God creating a weight He can’t lift show the incoherence of omnipotency?
30 October 2012
Dr David Webster answers a question sent in via Twitter: If determinism is accepted as truth, and free will an illusion, is it right to morally judge actions?
17 October 2012
The ontological argument is a play on words and many philosophers since anselm have ripped it to shreds what use is the ontological argument today? Dr David Webster answers a question sent in from Essex… Find us on twitter…
17 October 2012
Descartes states that for God to lack existence would be for him to lack perfection, which would mean it, would be a being other than God. Does the fact that the nature of God is in no way…
17 October 2012
Why would you suggest that by using logic and reasoning, it provides a better argument for the existence of God than using empirical evidence? Dr David Webster answers questions all the way from Essex..
17 October 2012
A question sent in by a school – about the Ontological argument Do you agree that the ontological argument is flawed because it begins with an inductive definition and does it provide a useful argument to prove the…
17 October 2012
Ok, they’re not videos – but our colleague Dr William Large makes a number of his lectures public: these can be found at http://drwilliamlarge.wordpress.com/ – and should be of interest to anyone studying philosophy.. We hope to post some videos…
16 October 2012
Dr David Webster from the University of Gloucestershire talks about an aspect of Buddhist thought. In this case Dave talks about the Four Sights seen by the Buddha – for students and those doing AS revision, etc! ———————- Staff…
16 October 2012
Dr David Webster from the University of Gloucestershire talks about an aspect of Buddhist thought. In this case, the Three Marks of Conditioned Phenomena – Anicca, Anatta & Dukkha. ——- Staff from the Religion, Philosophy & Ethics course at University…
16 October 2012
Dr David Webster from the University of Gloucestershire talks about an aspect of Buddhist thought. In this case Hatred – one of Three Poisons / Fires – for students and those doing AS revision.