Month: March 2019

ISKCON at Uni Glos RPE

This week we were fortunate to host members of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. Rohini (pictured) gave us a fascinating insight in to how ISKCON have managed to develop an almost fully environmentally sustainable culture that includes…


RPE INDIA 2019 student feedback

Every day offered something completely different so its impossible to extract a highlight. What I can say though is that it left a great impression on me and there is no doubt that I will be returning to…


RPE INDIA 2019 Day 5

The last day of our yatra saw yet another early rise and back on the coach to Delhi. Lunch in Connaught Square prepared us for our visit to the largest mosque in India the Jamal Masjid on the…

RPE INDIA 2019 Day 4

With an early start we travelled in to the foothills of the Himalayas to the ancient holy city of Rishkesh where some of us braved the freezing waters of Ma Ganga and cleansed ourselves before taking part in…

RPE INDIA 2019 Day 3

The next day saw another early start and a six hour bus ride to Haridwar, a city steeped in Hindu Mythology and located on the banks of the sacred river Ganges. The journey was long but time was…

RPE INDIA 2019 Day 2

Day 2 entailed an early start and a bus ride across the city to the Swaminarayan Akshardharm Hindu Temple complex, the third largest in the world. This was an extraordinary architectural feast spread out over many acres of…

RPE INDIA 2019 Day 1

We (18 RPE students and two staff) flew to New Delhi. Usual delays at customs and money exchange then bus ride in to the city. After a quick change of clothes and a snack we approached the Old…