Month: May 2013

Philosophical Weddings?

Someone over on twitter (I’m @davidwebster btw) was asking about wedding readings – and I was reminded that some actually choose a philosophical rather than religious text: From Plato’s Symposium… Really.. Take a look at  if you don’t believe me.. You…

Buddhism, Karma and Rebirth: Life-After-Death

Over at I ask Dr Paul Fuller about some issues in Buddhism.. enjoy!

Buddhism, Karma and Rebirth: Life-After-Death

Dr Paul Fuller from Bath Spa University in a guest appearance! I ask him tough questions and we discuss rebirth, karma, and change. — Staff from the Religion, Philosophy & Ethics course at University of Gloucestershire talking about Philosophy of…

Pain, Buddhism, and Childbirth…

Dr Paul Fuller from Bath Spa University in a guest appearance! I ask him tough questions.. — Staff from the Religion, Philosophy & Ethics course at University of Gloucestershire talking about Philosophy of Religion.. FEEL FREE TO VISIT/JOIN OUR COURSE…

Recent Forms of the Design / Teleological Argument for God’s Existence..

Recent Forms of the Design / Teleological Argument for God’s Existence – Dave Webster discusses F R Tennant’s ideas, and recent Design arguments in general: are the dice loaded? — Staff from the Religion, Philosophy & Ethics course at University of Gloucestershire…

Attempts to Prove God Exists are a Meaningless Account of Faith and Religion

In which I argue that attempts to prove God exists (or that He doesn’t) are a meaningless account of faith and Religion: to engage in them is to misunderstand the very nature of what religion is… I have written…


Aristotle, Causation and Theism..

Dr William Large answers a question about Aristotle: Staff from the Religion, Philosophy & Ethics course at University of Gloucestershire talking about Philosophy of Religion.. FEEL FREE TO VISIT/JOIN OUR COURSE FACEBOOK GROUP.. – Current and past students talking about Philosophy,Religion, Ethics,…


Theodicy and popularity – plus questions over moral vs natural Evil

Staff from the Religion, Philosophy & Ethics course at University of Gloucestershire talking about Philosophy of Religion – here DrRoy Jackson talks about EVIL FEEL FREE TO VISIT/JOIN OUR COURSE FACEBOOK GROUP.. – Current and past students talking about Philosophy ,Religion, Religious Education and more…..


Is Augustine’s Theodicy Relevant for Modern Society?

Staff from the Religion, Philosophy & Ethics course at University of Gloucestershire talking about Philosophy of Religion.. FEEL FREE TO VISIT/JOIN OUR COURSE FACEBOOK GROUP.. – Current and past students talking about Philosophy ,Religion, Religious Education and more.. (and the odd cat picture..)


Causation, Design and Evolution – Dr William Large

Staff from the Religion, Philosophy & Ethics course at University of Gloucestershire talking about Philosophy of Religion.. FEEL FREE TO VISIT/JOIN OUR COURSE FACEBOOK GROUP.. – Current and past students talking about Philosophy,Religion, Ethics, Religious Education and more.. (and the odd cat picture..)