Month: September 2009

Philosophy Society Update

The October meeting for the Philosophy Society will be held on the 8th, at 7pm in The Gallery Room above the SU Bar at Park Campus. All following meetings will fall on the first Thursday of the month….

What is the difference?

Christian refuses to remove crucifix (at work): Jedi refuses to remove hood (in Tesco): Are the issues the same?

Dawkins on Science

I read this in the Guardian the other day. Though, as students in RPE 201 know (Philosophy, Science and Belief), I am not an ardent fan of his, I do believe he’s absolute right about this, when he…

Schopenhauer and Love – by Alain de Botton; and Zizek too…

Interesting – but is it that persuasive? OR… [dailymotion id=x4j2u7]

The Philosophy Society September 2009

The Philosophy Society has ended its first year with the promise of a successful second year now dawning. We have a new wave of fervour from a long list of Freshers to add to our small, but dedicated,…

Film & Philosophy

Some pictures here of today’s induction-week presentations on Crimes and Misdemeanors – but for those still keen to think aobut this movies – there is some useful discussion at the Philosophical Films website, the C&M page is at…

Moral Modularity in Buddhism?

If you’re keen to get going this term – you could head to the Columbia Society for Comparative Philosophy and get the podcast of an intriguing talk: Owen Flanagan (Duke University). The lecture was entitled “Buddhist Ethics and…


This is a post just for our current RPE / Philosophy students: we have a social network (with chat, forums, etc) for the course at – all level 2 and 3 students should have had an invite…

Bertrand Russell: Comicbook Superhero!

I always knew this was the case, of course. A new comicbook (or graphic novel) called ‘Logicomix: An Epic Search for Truth’ has just been published by Bloomsbury. Described as: ‘it’s the story of the quest for the…

A warm welcome to the new RPE students

It’s the start of a new academic year and, hopefully, lots of interesting comments and debates on the RPE blog. Do make your voice heard and I hope you visit this site frequently as it is not only…