Month: September 2013

Open Day 12th October

A student learning space at FCH We have an Open Day on 12th October. Our bit will be at the Francis Close Hall campus of the University of Gloucestershire (there is a virtual tour HERE, but it doesn’t…

New to Philosophy?

I have recently been asked by some of our new student intake which books I would recommend for someone coming to philosophy for the first time, and it is also a question that often crops up at Open…

Journal of Buddhist Ethics turns 20..

Journal of Buddhist Ethics The Journal of Buddhist Ethics is celebrating its 20th Anniversary. Which is great. What is better is that it is free. Really high quality articles – for the relevant module here – but also…

Lots of events for students..

As lectures begin, there are also various other events for RPE students to attend locally.  Cheltenham Skeptics in the Pub meets regularly (oddly enough, in a pub) – and there is a talk about Scientology this week that…

The Story of the Jews…

Over at our sister blog (TRS at Gloucestershire) – Professor Melissa Raphael  offers a review of  Simon Schama’s The Story of the Jews: Click HERE to see the review. The first episode is visible here – but may be only for…


As Dave wrote in the last blog, welcome to all the new students. Induction is a busy week, and you can be bombarded with a lot of information, but don’t worry we are here to help. One of…

Some updates..

FCH Campus… As we get ready for induction next week – don’t forget the RPE Facebook group at – its starting to get more lively again, and is open to all. The full plan for next week’s induction…