29 April 2020
As you all know the lockdown has meant that face to face teaching has been suspended for the meanwhile. This also has meant that our teaching has moved online. One of the resources we use are video…
23 April 2020
https://www.liberalarts.org.uk/camus-the-plague-contagion-confinement-and-complicity/ Please read the above. This is an intriguing evaluation of Camus’ salutary view of society just post world war II. I would urge all students of religion, philosophy and ethics to read this, the work itself and…
23 April 2020
https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/04/scottish-muslim-couple-winning-hearts-coronavirus-crisis-200416121115752.html As the holy month of Ramadan begins Muslims around the world will be be fasting in the shadow of the Coronavirus pandemic. Globally speaking, for many in the last few weeks going without food has been…
23 April 2020
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hiNvZG_jes In these strange and unsettling times it is great to know that, alongside the NHS, the army of carers and many others who are contributing to making the lockdown as comfortable as possible, the International Society of…
17 April 2020
http://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3020818677940747&id=100000379329688&anchor_composer=false As the above link suggests, its not only teaching that has gone on line but religion too as we all attempt to negotiate our way through the Coronavirus maze. Funerals, communion, services all on line and the…
17 April 2020
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/world-africa-52079447/coronavirus-in-africa-christians-urged-to-worship-from-home In The U.K. we have all had to adjust to living and dying with the Coronavirus, social distancing has played a key part in terms of the Governments attempts to apprehend the spread of the pandemic. Distancing…